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From tiny treasures to vast other worldly landscapes, the Succulent Karoo is a magical place of interest and intrigue. But this landscape is under threat and needs your support to ensure its secret treasures remain precious gifts that keep giving for generations to come.


Stretching up the West Coast all the way to Namibia, the Succulent Karoo is a treasure trove of wild delights. Home to over 6000 plant species, including one third of the world’s succulent species and many that are found nowhere else in the world, it is a globally recognised biodiversity hotspot.

© WWF South Africa Catherine Forsythe
What is WWF doing?

WWF works in partnership to help conserve the Succulent Karoo. Over several years, we have developed and implemented conservation approaches that involve private landowners and government agencies to look after this region and its wild treasures, and we continue to champion this important work. Click on the stories below to learn more about these approaches and people involved.

What can you do?

If we don’t act to protect this natural heritage, we will not only lose this valuable diversity, but also our right to claim it as a South African jewel. Make a donation to WWF today and support our critical conservation work.

‘The unique species of the Succulent Karoo could be wiped out forever if not protected’

© WWF South Africa / Dimpho Lephaila