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Johannesburg office FAQ's

Our office is situated in Braamfontein. (23 Melle Street, Braamfontein, 2001 
Postnet suite 1, Private Bag X4, Braamfontein, 2017) 

The manager of the WWF Nedbank Green Trust, Samir Randera-Reese – srandera@wwf.org.za

Only an online shop. You may order from https://www.wwf.org.za/wwf_shop/ and the parcel will be delivered to your address.

Please contact Adele Faasen on 021-657-6600 or at afaasen@wwf.org.za, or Zama  Nsibande on 011-339-1152 or at znsibande@wwf.org.za. You can download our Braamfontein Venue Hire rates here or the venue hire agreement for our Braamfontein venue here for more details. You can download our Braamfontein Venue Hire rates here or the venue hire agreement for our Braamfontein venue here for more details. 

Our WWF offices are open from Monday to Friday – 08h00 till 17h00 only. ​