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Manuals prepared in accordance with Section 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act No. 2 of 2000
In terms of Section 51 of PAIA, all private bodies (this includes WWF South Africa and our five associated trusts) are obliged to have information manuals (PAIA Manuals) pursuant to the Act, and are obliged to publish the PAIA manuals.
PAIA and POPIA have their origin in section 32 (1) (b) and section 14 of the Constitution respectively, which provides that everyone has the right of access to ‘any information that is held by another person and that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights’ and that everyone has the right to privacy including the right to protection against unlawful collection, retention and dissemination of personal information.
These Acts has been enacted by Parliament to give expression to these rights. In terms of section 50 of PAIA, all private bodies, including NPOs such as WWF and the 5 trusts, are required to give access to any record of the private body to a requester if:
that record is required for the exercise or protection of any rights;
that person complies with the procedural requirements laid down in the Act; and
refusal to access is not based upon any ground for refusal listed in the Act.
And in terms of sections 11 and 24 of POPIA, to assist requesters to:
object to the processing of their personal information;
request the correction, deletion or destruction of their personal information.
The aim of the PAIA manuals is to assist with these requests to WWF South Africa and its associated trusts.
These manuals may be amended from time to time. As soon as amendments have been made, the latest versions of the manuals will be published and circulated in accordance with the Act.
PAIA Manual – Leslie Hill Succulent Karoo Trust (Afrikaans version)
PAIA Manual – The Southern African Wildlife College Trust (Afrikaans version)
Please contact WWF's PAIA Officer should you require assistance in respect of the use or content of these manuals.